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I keep thinking about Peru!

I keep thinking about Peru!

A refektion: Again and again I hear these words from my first trip to Peru: ‘Know your destination, but only see the next step’. Every day is a new challenge: Internet presence, Facebook, Instagram, business cards, flyers, booking rooms, setting links… sometimes my head is spinning, I feel like I have to do everything at once, can’t find any peace and want to be much further than I am. Then I’m glad when these words reappear, then I’m glad that…

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Hurray, they’re out!

Hurray, they’re out!

To order my flyers took me much longer than expected. To put our offers on a two-page-flyer was really hard for me and I had to sleep on it several times. And finally when the content and design was ready, the next challenge came. Finishing the print data for the print shop. Phew, that was already a few years ago, when I did that for the last time… but everything worked out and the printing company has already confirmed that…

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