Gifts of Heaven 1

I would only have smiled tiredly if someone had told me at the beginning of the last year that I would travel to Peru twice in one year. But when the Spirits are threading something, then it would be wrong to resist. We were on a seminar with Alberto Villoldo when a friend of mine had the idea to make a trip to Peru together. I smiled, but I had no plan how this would ever work out. To be honest, I thought this idea would surely vanish into thin air very quickly. But I must have been mistaken. She phoned and planned, appointments were quickly made, but I didn’t believe in that by far. I had no idea how I would ever pay for this trip and honestly, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. The date was fixed, my holiday was approved, I still did not have enough money. When the call came: “Honey, we have to book the flight now” I panicked.
Then came the Christmas bonus and the flight was paid for. I made the down payment for our trip to Cusco out of my bonus. Everything went like clockwork. I had no idea what I was getting into, no idea of the country, no idea of the climate, no idea of its geography, no idea of the currency. Well, actually, I still didn’t believe that I would make this journey. About four weeks before the trip I was overcome with panic. Meanwhile we wanted to start the journey in threes and our ‘new one’ had much more plans than I did. I heard words like thermal underwear, down jacket and altitude training. I read articles about thin air, altitude sickness and first aid kit. I panicked again. But I constantly had a photo in my mind that I had seen on the internet a few years ago, a market with colourful cloths and ponchos. This picture had burned in me so much that a resignation was simply out of question for me…